Inclusion of people with disabilities in higher education: a scoping review
Impaired people, University education, Educational approachesAbstract
The inclusion of people with disabilities in higher education is a topic of great importance and has been the subject of studies and research in different parts of the world. Although inclusion policies and programs have been implemented in higher education Institutions (HEIs), there are still challenges and obstacles to be overcome to guarantee the access and retention of these students in the academic environment. The objective of this work was to verify the educational approaches carried out for students with disabilities in Higher Education. A scoping review was used as a method by searching the EBSCO, Scielo, Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science databases. 129 relevant articles were found in the searched databases. After screening titles, abstracts and keywords, 36 works were selected for full reading. And 6 articles were selected to compose the scoping review. The results indicate that educational approaches for students with disabilities in higher education are diverse and tend to vary according to the specific needs of the students. Of the articles analyzed, the main difficulties highlighted are related to the limited training of teachers regarding inclusive approaches, the lack of adaptation of materials to individual needs and the attitudinal barriers existing in socio-educational interactions.
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