Psychoeducational approach of children with ASD: a cultural-historical perspective of Subjectivity
ASD, Subjectivity, Child developmentAbstract
This paper discusses, from the perspective of Qualitative Epistemology and González Rey's Theory of Subjectivity, some considerations in relation to the psychoeducational approach with children diagnosed with ASD. To achieve this objective, the way in which diagnosis is conceived within the approximation of subjectivity is critically debated, highlighting the possibilities of subjective development in children with ASD, beyond pathologization and exclusion. Subsequently, the principles of Qualitative Epistemology are presented, namely: dialogicity, singularity and the constructive-interpretative character of scientific knowledge. The methodology used in this type of approach is constructive-interpretative, characterized by a dynamic and dialogic conception of the field and the instruments developed with the participants. In addition, the methodological value of concepts such as conjecture, indicator, hypothesis and theoretical model is shown, which are part of the configurational logic of the production of scientific/professional knowledge that favors the subjective development of children. As a final result, the heuristic value of subjectivity as a theoretical and methodological perspective that gives rise to emotion, the quality of the links between teachers, students and the school community and the promotion of children with ASD as agents and subjects of their experience is shown.
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