Deaf Education and Inclusion
Deaf education, Inclusion, BilingualismAbstract
In this paper I analyze the three paradigms of education of the Deaf that currently exist in Uruguay in the orbit of Public Education: bilingual education, inclusive bilingual education and inclusive education. From the description of these three models, I show the way in which each of them implies a different vision about Deaf students (of their language and their culture), as well as the relationship with disability and with ideology of normality. Finally, I present the plurilingual, pluritechnological and intercultural education model, which can be an alternative proposal for education of the Deaf, as it would mean taking a step beyond bilingualism. The empirical data and the reflection of this work come from two sources: an educational research with funding from the National Administration of Public Education (ANEP), already carried out; and an ethnographic and decolonial research with funding from the Sectoral Commission for Scientific Research (CSIC) of the University of the Republic (CSIC, I + D, 2020), in progress.
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