Scientific production on ableism in higher education: an integrative literature review
Ableism, Pathologization., Higher educationAbstract
Understanding how ableism is reproduced in higher education is essential to remove barriers to accessing knowledge and to guarantee the social participation of people with disabilities in this space. This research aimed to characterize the scientific production regarding ableism in higher education in terms of conceptual perspectives, the main implications for people with disabilities, and the elements that support the construction of anti-ableist practices. The information was obtained through an integrative literature review covering 36 articles available in the Scopus, PsycInfo, Web of Science, One File, and ERIC databases, published between 2000 and 2020. The findings were analyzed using a protocol of review prepared by the authors. The results were organized into three categories: a) conceptual perspectives on ableism; b) reproduction of ableism in higher education and; c) contributions to the construction of anti-ableist practices. It was identified that ableism is institutionalized in higher education and corroborates the pathologization and medicalization of people with deviant corporalities from the normative standard. The construction of anti-ableist practices demands critical analysis of the capacitation narratives, the incorporation of the intersectional perspective, and the commitment to the elimination of barriers and the participation of people with disabilities. Finally, the relevance of incorporating the category ableism in the production of knowledge, training of professionals working in higher education and in Brazilian educational policies are highlighted.
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