Sociodemographic, labor and clinical aspects of families with children with ASD
Sociodemographic and labor aspects, Health conditions, Autistic Spectrum DisorderAbstract
This study aimed to investigate and characterize the sociodemographic, labor and clinical aspects of families with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD. This is a quantitative, observational, transversal and descriptive study, carried out in the national territory, based on the application of an online questionnaire. 91 mothers and 1 father of children/adolescents diagnosed with ASD aged from 2 to 18 years participated in the study. The results show that most guardians were married (79.3%) and with higher education (65.3%), living in the States of the South (50%) and North (21.7%). As for the health status of parents, 44.6% perform some health monitoring, of which 29,3% are physical health and 20.7% mental health. Regarding children with ASD, 80.4% were male, at Level 1 – Mild (72.8%), with ADHD as comorbidity (22.8%). The data point to the relevance of an ASD analysis under a systemic view of the family and its needs, in order to identify the sociodemographic, labor and clinical characteristics of families with autistic children, in order to support professionals who work with the treatment.
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