Universal Design for Learning and intellectual disability student’s inclusion: a systematic review
curriculum, elementary secondary education, educational practicesAbstract
This research discusses aspects of the curricular accessibility for special education students and aimed to investigate the use of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a curricular differentiation strategy for the school inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities (ID). For this, a systematic review of the literature of the last five years was carried out at ERIC, Redalyc, Dialnet, Portal de Periódicos da Capes, and Scielo databases, using as descriptors: “universal design for learning” and “intellectual disability” in English, Spanish and Portuguese. The search focused on empirical studies that show a connection between UDL and ID in formal education centered on the curriculum of elementary and secondary education. 128 studies were identified that, after screening, resulted in four articles included in this review which were analyzed in their methodological and thematic design and in their correlation with the UDL theory. Two studies only mentioned the UDL, one of them described its use within a structured evidence-based assessment model, and another study applied the UDL guidelines in curriculum practice with ID students. It was possible to notice UDL contributions to the pedagogical strategies that favor the access to the curriculum of students with ID, with the use of technology and the possibility it brings of multiple languages and self-regulation. Nonetheless there is still a small number of empirical research with the use of UDL. Future research should consider the use of UDL in teacher planning and in the overall design of the school curriculum considering school diversity.
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