Implementation Guidelines for the Quality Management System in educational institutions under the focus of Inclusive Educaction
Quality management in education institutions, NBR ISO 21001, inclusive education.Abstract
Quality Management in educational institutions, ISO standards (ISO 9001 and ISO 21001), quality tools and Inclusive Education (Lei Brasileira de Inclusão – Brazilian Inclusion Law), are important themes that are not always aligned and thought together. With a focus on preparing and organizing educational institutions to receive all students equitably, and promote equal conditions of access and permanence at school, there must be tools to support the development of new management approaches to these goals. Thus, it is necessary to develop guidelines so that Inclusive Education in educational institutions is implemented efficiently and effectively, and that the educational institution has the possibility to ensure its functioning and guarantee that the students (with or without disabilities) are really receiving a quality education. The objectives of this paper, involve analysing the processes of implementing the Quality Management System in educational organizations and propose a model with guidelines that assist in its execution and maintenance under the focus of Inclusive Education. For this, a bibliographic survey was carried out to understand the situation of Inclusive Education in Brazil, and bring up the main problems in its implementation process. As a result, a model was developed, contemplating important elements that must be addressed together, among laws and quality tools, and five implementation guidelines have been described. The results show that despite the existence of standards and laws that assist this practice, a different approach is needed to assist in internal processes and sustain Inclusive Educational in educational institutions.Downloads
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