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Dyscalculia while (a)normality: approach in initial training of mathematics teachers and journals




Normality, Dyscalculia, Teacher training


This article aims to analyze dyscalculia as a learning disorder and its approach in the initial formation of mathematics teachers. The work was supported by Souza and Gallo (2002) in na attempt to point out an intersection between this disorder and what these authors present as (a) normality. Then the debates were anchored in Pimentel and Lara (2013) and Bastos (2006) to reflect on this specific disorder. To investigate the debate that has been contucted out around this theme, this text is structured under the following moments: Initially, the text sets out to investigate Dyscalculia in the formation of Mathematics teachers in Goiás through their curricular matrices seeking to identify the space provided for this type of dialogue in these courses. It then analyze this topic in two electronic journals around of ​​Mathematical Education and Special Education, raising a sample about the frequency of data on this subject and the implications of promoting (ornot) this dialogue. As a result, it was noticed that this learning disorder is not addressed in the initial training of teachers and that the number of works in the analyzed journals is not significant, corroborating that these subjects remain in the condition of (a) normal in the core of their classrooms.


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Author Biographies

Ewerson Tavares da Silva, Instituto Federal de Goiás, Jataí, GO

Mestre pelo Instituto Federal de Goiás, Jataí, GO, Brasil.

Sandra Regina Longhin, Instituto Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, GO

Professora doutora do Instituto Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, GO, Brasil.

Jordana de Oliveira do Amaral, Instituto Federal de Goiás, Jataí, GO

Mestre pelo Instituto Federal de Goiás, Jataí, GO, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Silva, E. T. da, Longhin, S. R., & Amaral, J. de O. do. (2022). Dyscalculia while (a)normality: approach in initial training of mathematics teachers and journals. Special Education Magazine, 35, e9/1–15.