Adaptation of the nine men's morris game for the performance of the manipulative skills of a student with cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy, assistive technology, manipulative skills.Abstract
The present study aimed to analyze the effects of the adapted Nine Men's Morris game on the performance of the manipulative skills of a 14-year-old student with cerebral palsy, in addition to describing the stages of the adaptation process. Given this, a single-subject ABAB withdrawal or reversal design was used, to assess behavior through the application and sequential withdrawal of the intervention. The research was divided into the following stages: 1) Game selection; 2) Baseline; 3) Game adaptation; 4) Intervention. A case record form was used as a data collection instrument. It contained the response variables with a score from zero to three, with the following assessment items: Movement accuracy; Range of movement; Hand capacity, and Movement speed. All sessions were filmed for the case record form to be scored after the sessions with the participant. The data were represented in graphs, separated by variables, with the descriptions of the adaptations made. As a result, the participant achieved significant improvements in all variables comprised of the manipulative skills. However, when adaptations were introduced, the scores increased, and when the intervention was withdrawn, the percentages decreased, showing a functional relationship between the independent variable (adapted Nine Men's Morris game) and the dependent variables (manipulative skills). Thus, it is concluded that the adapted Nine Men's Morris game was effective in terms of the manipulative skills of the student with cerebral palsy, promoting her autonomy during the game.Downloads
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