Deaf and Hearing: towards Intercultural, Democratic and Plural Education
Brazilian educational scenery is configured, in the present days, as a heterogeneous, multilingual and multicultural space. Then, education of deaf people is presented as defiance for researchers, deaf people and their families, once because even with advAbstract
Brazilian educational scenery is configured, in the present days, as a heterogeneous, multilingual and multicultural space. Then, education of deaf people is presented as defiance for researchers, deaf people and their families, once because even with advances in teaching and learning area, the universe of deaf is not contemplated integrally by several reasons. Therefore, the research work here proposed defined as aim at analyze and reflect on the education available for deaf people as a way to provide a debate about the methodologies and cultural artifacts which has been used for deaf people have, in the Brazilian context, ensured their right to a democratic and plural education. The methodology used in this research was in the qualitative and bibliographic approach, and search, through the analysis, understand whether the artifacts play appropriately their role, in other words, if they ensure a plural and democratic education. As cultural artifacts we understand political, linguistic, artistic and literary expressions of deaf community. In this perspective, the hypothesis here suggested is that only by an intercultural education, connected with cultural artifacts of deaf culture will be possible ensure a democratic and plural education.Downloads
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