Body and expressiveness as marks constituting the difference or ethos deaf
Deaf difference, Happening, Deaf expressivityAbstract
This article aims to present the deaf life experience as an ethical and aesthetic event. The deaf ethos is constituted by the differences and is the effect of the marks of an expressiveness that extends to the bodies. Studies in a cultural perspective of deafness, of which we are partners, are its agency through its linguistic and cultural markers. Our view covers the linguistic particularities of a gestural-visual language, but extends the perspective by emphasizing the remains-events that are effects of deaf sensations, body performances, gestures and the expressiveness of deaf thinking that takes place in this unique event that founds the experience of being deaf. For such arguments we are guided by the ontological perspective, of an ontology of deficiency as a space of lack, of a destructive plasticity that constitutes deaf bodies and makes them singular by accident. It is out of these unique experiences of bodies produced in this enigmatic and unique expressivity that we draw our reflections in order to affirm the deafness in its affirmative potentiality of a singular event that materializes in living bodies, in tongues / bodies.
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