Psychopedagogical interventions and Developmental Dyscalculia: a Systematic Review of the Literature
Developmental Dyscalculia, Mathematical skills, Psychopedagogical interventions.Abstract
This article presents an analysis of theses, dissertations and articles, at the national level, focusing mainly on proposals for psychopedagogical interventions for primary school students with Developmental Discalculia - DD, using the Systematic Review of Literature - RSL, as a method of search. It has as a question guide research "How psychopedagogical interventions can help elementary school students with DD?” Thus, the objective is to verify the existence of psychopedagogical proposals to be developed with these students, potentializing and rehabilitating the mathematical abilities in delay in DD. In order to select the productions, the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) database was used and in relation to the selection of articles, we chose Google Scholar. It is evident that Brazil still lacks research in Mathematics Education that is concerned with evaluation, since the lack of standardized instruments prevents professionals from actually understanding the weak areas and establishing an effective intervention plan for students in therapeutic treatment.
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