Bullying and inclusion in elementary education I: teacher actions
Bullying, Inclusion, Elementary school, Teacher training.Abstract
Bullying is a type of violence that occurs between peers, especially within school settings. Its main characteristics include repeated and intentional unpleasant actions from one student towards another, which are cause of suffering to the victim and damages to all involved. It is known that children with disabilities experience more bullying than children without disabilities. Thus, considering that contemporary school has a duty to provide a healthy learning environment to disabled students, the present study aimed to investigate the conceptions of elementary school teachers about bullying and the inclusion of students with disabilities in the regular system of education. Participants included six teachers from a municipal education network in the countryside of the state of São Paulo. Instruments used were: (a) a questionnaire about the graduation and job from the teachers and (b) semi-structured interview about bullying and school inclusion for teachers and. Data were submitted to content analysis. The action reported by the participants show that even not being always assertive; they recognize the value of their intervention. It was also observed that the specialist teacher or generalist can influence the conception of those teachers about the investigated themes and the type of disability from the student in inclusion can influence the practice of the teachers and the way the class interact with the student.
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