The medicalizing logic in public education policies
Special Education, Medicalization, Public educational policy.Abstract
Despite the advances in the discussions about current Brazilian educational policies, it is possible to observe the permanence of the medicalizing logic in the educational ideals and in the school space, by reducing social, economic, political and educational issues for the biomedical field. The present study sought to understand the indications of this medicalizing logic in the Brazilian Special Education policy based on the analysis of the National Policy on Special Education from the perspective of Inclusive Education (2008), the National Education Plan (2010) and the end document of the national Education conference (2014), using the Ginzburg (1989) indicium paradigm. The results reveal the existence of important discussions and the creation of strategies for overcoming prejudice against historically marginalized groups. However, it is observed that the permanence of the medical logic in the documents is mainly related to the borrowed terminology of the health field, being inadequate to define aspects related to the schooling process. The displacement of political and institutional issues to individual aspects is perpetuated, medicalizing students attended by Special Education. It is understood as necessary the reconfiguration of the relations between the fields of Health and Education, allowing the construction of collective practices that can discuss the school problems from the dialogue and not from the overdetermination of Health through Education. This also implies an effort by Education to produce ways of understanding students and their teaching-learning processes outside the pathology / normality axis, radically affirming human diversity as the principle, middle and end of educational work.Downloads
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