Teachers’ promising knowledge to the inclusion of students with special educational needs: conditions for its construction


  • Gislaine Semcovici Nozi Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, Paraná
  • Celia Regina Vitaliano Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, Paraná




Teachers’ knowledge, Academic production, Inclusive education


Favourable social attitudes toward inclusion of students with educational special needs have been supposed to be an essential condition for teachers. Considering this question, the aim of this paper is to describe knowledges recommended in academic production about school inclusion, as well as the conditions that support their acquisition. Therefore, we performed a documental analysis of theses and dissertations in Education and Special Education, available in the data base of Capes, and bibliographic research. The data collected were organized in categories. The results indicated the importance of the teachers’ ability to valorize the difference and the heterogeneity, put themselves in others’ place, and be favourable to Inclusive Education. Conditions to the construction of positive attitudes were identified: the need to demythicization of the concept of disability and capacities of the disabled, appropriate teacher training, positive experiences of inclusion, and collaborative work among specialized teachers, teachers responsible for the classes and other professionals involved.


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How to Cite

Nozi, G. S., & Vitaliano, C. R. (2017). Teachers’ promising knowledge to the inclusion of students with special educational needs: conditions for its construction. Special Education Magazine, 30(59), 589–602. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984686X28080



Dossiê: Variáveis pessoais do professor e sua formação para a educação inclusiva