Audiodescription of images of textbooks: a proposal for communicational analysis
Audio description, Textbook, Visual impairment.Abstract
After the Law 10,753/2003, which ensured the visually impaired the access to reading, and the Decree 186/2008, which gave the State the responsibility to ensure them access to information, in 2009 the Ministry of Education launched the Mecdaisy, which enables the generation of spoken digital books and their reproduction in audio, recorded or synthesized. From then on, the students of the municipal and state schools began to receive the textbooks in accessible digital format. The medium for translating textbook images is audio description, which is guided by the Technical Note 21 composed of descriptive procedures. This article is proposed the incorporation of analytical aspects to the audio descriptions, from the representational, interactional and organizational meta functions proposed by the Visual Design Grammar of Kress and van Leeuwen, aiming to give students, with visual impairment, subsidies, so that they interpret aspects of ideological meaning of the images, having a greater appropriation of the message contained in the imagery genre.
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