Access and stay of student with disabilities in higher education institution


  • Telma Brito Rocha Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFB)
  • Theresinha Guimarães Miranda Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFB)


Higher Education, Special Education, Inclusion and Assistive Technologies.


It is undeniable the social role of the university and its commitment to provide an educational process fairer and more democratic for the development of knowledge and effectiveness of policies inclusionistas. In that sense, this work is the purpose of analyzing the conditions of access and residence of the student with disabilities in a federal university, located in the northeastern The results converge to the unpreparedness, both of the University, as the professionals who are part of it, so provide adequate care for the special needs of such students. So it is necessary that the University invest in the definition of an institutional policy for the construction of inclusive practices that benefit the process of teaching and learning for students with disabilities, through the Assistive Technologies for promotion and equalization of opportunities.


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How to Cite

Rocha, T. B., & Miranda, T. G. (2009). Access and stay of student with disabilities in higher education institution. Special Education Magazine, 22(34). Retrieved from

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