Analysis of litterfall dynamics in a silvopastoral system with eucalyptus
Organic matter, Pasture, ForestAbstract
Strategies that aim to condition the soil positively impact ruminant production systems on pasture. The production of litterfall is directly responsible for improvements in the soil's chemical, physical, and biological characteristics. The objective of this study was to quantify and qualify the litterfall deposition of the Silvopastoral System with Eucalyptus (SSP) to compare with Semideciduous Seasonal Forest (FL) and Monoculture Pasture System (MN), as well as the decomposition of deciduous material. For this, 12 litterfall collectors were placed in each ecosystem, where the deposition of deciduous material was measured and stratified every 28 days for 11 months. Litterfall decomposition was evaluated using the litterbags method. The total litterfall production over the evaluated months for SSP, FL, and MN were 10.74, 7.17, and 1.01 t ha-1, respectively. The decomposition constant (k) for SSP and FL were 0.0021 and 0.0025 g g-1 day-1, while the half-life time (T0.5) was 322 and 272 days, respectively. The afforestation of pastures with eucalyptus can potentially increase organic matter production in the system and benefit the other components of SSP.
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