Is there physical dormancy <i>Psidium cattleianum</i> Sabine seeds?
Araçá, Methylene blue, Soaking curve, MaturationAbstract
The objective of this research was to evaluate the presence of physical dormancy in seeds of Psidium cattleianum (araçá), obtained from fruits of different stages of maturation. The fruits were collected from 15 parent plants in the municipality of Lages-SC and classified, according to the Munsell color chart, in yellowish red (5YR5 / 7), red (10R5 / 6) and dark red (10R3 / 6). After beneficiation, with the aid of a sieve and running water, the seeds of the fruits of the three colors were evaluated for: water content, dry mass, first germination count, germination, abnormal seedlings, dead seeds, first emergency count, emergency, days to start the emergency, emergency speed index, water soak curve and methylene blue soak. The water contents were 22.02, 23.53 e 23.08%, for seeds of colors 1, 2 and 3, respectively. There was no significant difference between the seeds of the fruits of the three colors for all variables analyzed, except for the emergence speed index, where seeds of colors 2 fruits were more vigorous in relation to the seeds of the other colors. The soaking process was characterized by a three-phase curve, with root protrusion starting at 275, 323, 323 hours, for fruit seeds of colors 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Methylene blue entered the seeds on the first day, with complete absorption in 371 h (16 days). The results showed that the seeds of the three colors of the fruit were already at physiological maturity, with similar results in relation to the dry mass. It is concluded that mature seeds of Psidium cattleianum Sabine do not have physical dormancy, regardless of the colors of the fruits studied.
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