USE OF CANAFÍSTULA WOOD (Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub.) IN THE MANUFACTURE OF PARTICLEBOARDSdubium</i> (Spreng.) Taub.) in the manufacture of particleboards
Peltophorum dubium, particleboard, tannin formaldehyde, urea formaldehydeAbstract study was carried out to evaluate the potential of use of ‘Canafístula’ wood (Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub.) in manufacturing particleboards, bonded with tannin and urea-formaldehyde adhesives used in a ratio of 9% of the particles oven-dry weight. For each treatment, three boards were made with a nominal density of 0.63 g/cm3. The properties evaluated were the water absorption for two and 24 hours of immersion and the thickness swelling, the static bending (MOE and MOR), thee screw withdrawal (RAP) and the internal bonding (LI), according to the dimensions and procedures prescribed by ASTM D-1037 (2000). The results were compared with standards established by ANSI A208.1 (1987) and DIN 68761 (1971). The urea-formaldehyde adhesive increased the water absorption of boards and the data results of thickness swelling tests were in accordance with the standards for both treatments. With the exception of the MOR, the resistance data results from the urea bonded boards were below of the minimum standard values; for tannin, all the properties were superior, with the exception of the RAP. According to the results of this study, ‘Canafístula’ wood, when combined with tannin-formaldehyde adhesive, can be an alternative source of raw material for particleboard production.
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How to Cite
Modes, K. S., Vivian, M. A., Lilge, D. S., Melo, R. R. de, Santini, E. J., & Haselein, C. R. (2012). USE OF CANAFÍSTULA WOOD (Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub.) IN THE MANUFACTURE OF PARTICLEBOARDSdubium</i> (Spreng.) Taub.) in the manufacture of particleboards. Ciência Florestal, 22(1), 147–159.