mini-cuttings, vegetative propagation, IBAAbstract
The present work aimed to evaluate the behavior of canafistula, established in mini-clonal hedge system and the viability of applying the mini-cutting technique for vegetative propagation of this species. In the formation of mini-stumps, of seminal origin, different numbers of leaves were maintained (three or more leaves, one, or a pair of leaves). It was evaluated the survival of mini-stumps, number, length and diameter of shoots and average productivity of mini-cuttings by mini-stumps during the successive regrowth. The effect of the application of IBA (0, 1500, 3000, 4500 and 6000 mg L-1) on survival and rooting of basal and apical mini-cuttings were also evaluated. The mini-stumps survival was 100% regardless of the number of leaves remaining in its formation. The maintenance of one leaf allowed the formation of a larger number of shoots (3.39) per mini-stump, 1 pair of leaves promoted greater shoot length (12.41 cm), and with three or more leaves, the shoots had larger diameters. The average production of mini-cuttings/mini-stump/harvesting has been growing over the successive regrowth, with maximum yield (159 mini-cuttings m-2) observed on the 4th regrowth. Apical mini-cuttings show higher rooting potential than the basal. The IBA is dispensable in the radicial induction but stimulates the root dried mass. The cultivation of the canafistula in mini-clonal hedge system enables the production of shoots for clonal propagation through mini-cuttings.Downloads
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