HDPE, wood particles, rice husks, composites.Abstract
The objective of this work was to analyse the feasibility of the utilization of rice husks and wood particles in the manufacture of wood plastic composites, in a way similar to particleboard fabrication. The composites were made with rice husks and Eucalyptus grandis wood particles, pure or mixed, in proportions of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of ovendry weight. High density polyethylene (HDPE) was used as matrix in the manufacture in three proportions: 60, 75, and 90%. Bending properties, internal bond, water absorption and thickness swelling after 24 hours of water soaking and after 15 soaking cycles were evaluated. The values of bending properties were influenced by the density of the composite. In the case of internal bond, the values were within the limits established by commercial particleboard standards, being the HDPE proportion the parameter of higher correlation with this property. Rice husk caused lower thickness swelling and, independently of the type of raw material utilised, the values decreased with the increase of HDPE. Combinations with larger percentages of HDPE presented minimal values or, in some cases, null of water absorption. For the water absorption and thickness swelling after 15 cycles the behavior was similar to that of the 24 hour period. Results allowed concluding that the composites made with HDPE, rice husks and wood particles pure or mixed present good quality, evidencing the adequacy of these raw material and process in manufacturing this type of panel.
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