
  • Juarez Benigno Paes UFSM
  • Itaragil Venâncio Marinho
  • Renivaldo Araújo de Lima
  • Carlos Roberto de Lima
  • Tatiane Kelly Barbosa de Azevedo



vegetable tannins, vegetable tanning, forest species from brazilian semi-arid.


Vegetable tannins are found in several forest species. Actually, the Northeast Brazilian tanners have, on Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, their only source of vegetable tannins. This study aimed to evaluate the tanning capacity of tannins extracted from four vegetable species of Brazilian Semi-arid region, seeking to make possible the diversification of species to be used in tannings in the region. Thus, physical and mechanical characteristics of bovid treated skins with extract tannic of Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, Anacardium occidentale, Mimosa tenuiflora and Mimosa arenosa were analyzed. The bovid skins were tanned with extracted tannins of those species and compared to tanned skins by tannins of Acacia mearnsii (“Seta Natur” commercial tannin). The samples of tanned skins were submitted to tension, lengthening and progressive tear resistance tests. Good results were verified to tanned skins by Mimosa tenuiflora and Mimosa arenosa. Due to the abundance of these species in Brazilian Semi-arid region, they showed potential to exploration of tannins. However, researches are necessaries to indicate the best forms of application of obtained tannins.


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How to Cite

Paes, J. B., Marinho, I. V., Lima, R. A. de, Lima, C. R. de, & Azevedo, T. K. B. de. (2006). TECHNICAL VIABILITY OF TANNINS OF FOUR FOREST SPECIES OF BRAZILIAN SEMI-ARID REGION TO SKIDDER SKINS. Ciência Florestal, 16(4), 453–462.




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