Plastic: Recycling as a Potentiator of Science Teaching in Basic Education




Learning, Recycling, Sustainability


Three Pedagogical Moments carried out in the context of a sixth-grade class of Elementary School at a private school in the municipality of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul state. It aimed to promote sustainability through plastic caps recycling with emphasis on Science and Technology in order to build environmental awareness in Basic Education as proposed by the Circular Movement. The activity was developed at PlastiMaker’s laboratory at Franciscan University in Santa Maria. As a result, it was observed that as they systematize information about plastic caps recycling, students were stimulated to collaborate in the strategies to minimize environmental damage caused by plastic. Another relevant aspect was the ability of students to promote a more responsible approach in their context related to residues, focusing on education for sustainability purposes.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Cadore Peixoto, Universidade Franciscana

Degree in Chemistry, Degree in Pedagogy, Specialization in School Supervision and Guidance, Master's, Doctorate and Post-doctorate in Analytical Chemistry. Currently an undergraduate and postgraduate lecturer in Science and Mathematics Teaching at the Franciscan University of Santa Maria.

Giana Weber de Oliveira, Colégio Franciscano Santanna

Degree in Pedagogy and Portuguese-English Literature, Specialization in Environmental Education and Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy, Master's Degree in Production Engineering, PhD student in Education at UFSM. Pedagogical Coordinator at the Sant'Anna Franciscan College, Santa Maria, RS.

Juliana Guarize Medeiros, Colégio Franciscano Santanna

Computer Technician - IFFar-SVS

Degree in Biological Sciences - UFSM

Master's in Science Education - UFSM

Science teacher at Colégio Franciscano Sant'Anna Santa Maria-RS.

Célia de Fátima Rosa da Veiga, Colégio Franciscano Santanna

Graduated in Letters-Portuguese-English and Respective Literatures-full licensure. Specialist teacher in Teaching Methodology, Portuguese Language and English Language, Culture and Media: A theoretical-practical approach and School Administration and Educational Guidance. Master's and Doctorate in Education from La Salle University - Canoas - RS. Pedagogical Coordinator of Bilingual Education at Colégio Franciscano Sant'Anna, Santa Maria, RS.


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How to Cite

Peixoto, S. C., Oliveira, G. W. de, Medeiros, J. G., & Veiga, C. de F. R. da. (2024). Plastic: Recycling as a Potentiator of Science Teaching in Basic Education. Ciência E Natura, 46, e85715.

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