Water potability of artisian wells: diagnosis of sample from the counties of Rio Grande do Sul
Potable water, Analyze, Quality parametersAbstract
Drinking water is all water for consumption. It must have certain amount of dissolved minerals, be free of toxic materials and micro-organisms. It is considered an indispensable resource for man. One of the main problems for the use of water is related to its contamination, that is, this resource has been polluted in such a way that it can no longer consume it in its natural state. However, despite all the efforts to store and reduce its consumption, it is becoming scarce and its quality deteriorates faster and faster. In this way, groundwater has become an important alternative for water supply to communities. Considering the relevance of this theme, this study seeks to make a diagnosis of the water quality of artesian wells of the Central Region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to prove the potability. For these determinations the experimental procedures were: determination of the pH value; turbidity; temperature; total solids dissolved; color; hardness and residual iron concentration. The evaluation of the results obtained in this study was based on the standards of potability established in Ordinance No. 2,914, of December 12, 2011, of the Ministry of Health, which establishes the procedures for control and surveillance of water quality for human consumption and its standard of potability.Downloads
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