Morphometric, land cover and land use, and flow analysis of the Irani River Basin, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Water availability, Hydrological regime, Sustainable planningAbstract
The Irani River Basin, located in the Hydrographic Region – RH2, in the mid-west of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, is an important source of water for the region. The objective of this study is to evaluate the morphometric, environmental, and land use characterization of the Irani River Basin through data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), the MapBiomas project, the Environmental Information Bank – BDia from IBGE, and the Product MERGE-INPE/CPTEC with the aid of ArcGIS Pro software. It was sought to determine the permanence flows Q98, minimum flow Q7.10, maximum flow QMAX.10, and long-term flow QMLT with data from hydroweb ANA using the SisCAH 1.0 software. The Irani River Basin is 1599.88 km², with the main river measuring 198.35 km, considered 6th order. The average altitude of the basin is 823.26 m, and approximately 91.5% of the basin has a slope lower than 45%. The basin had a drainage density of 1.77 km/km², a shape factor of 0.04 m/m, a compactness coefficient of 2.39, and a river density of 0.43, indicating that the basin has an elongated and good configuration. water drainage capacity, therefore, a basin is not subject to major floods. Land use data showed that in the last 30 years there has been a significant increase in urbanized areas as well as soybean planting, in contrast, there has been a decrease in agricultural and pasture areas. Also noteworthy is an increase of approximately 3.6% in the area of forest formation in the last 30 years.
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