Mortalidades por Causas Violentas: Uma Análise dos Homicídios em Santa Maria, RS


  • Tatiani Secretti CEEMQ/CCNE/UFSM
  • Luciane Flores Jacobi Departamento de Estatística/CCNE Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS



The present research has the purpose of showing a datacollection in order to outline the characteristics of the deaths by homicidesin the municipal district of Santa Maria. For developing this work wehave made use of data referring to the homicides occurred in the city ofSanta Maria and that were registered by the Civil Police during the periodfrom January 1, 1995 to December 31, 2006. Data were collected in thefollowing police stations: 1st Police Station (PS), 2nd PS, 3rd PS, 4th PS;Police Stations for Women, Police Stations for the Protection of the Elderlyand Police Stations for the Protection of Children and Adolescents. Thevariables researched were the following: age, gender, employment situation,home place and the criminal backsliding; victim’s gender and age, typeof weapon; date, time and place of the crime. We accomplished a datadescriptive analysis and chi square tests of independence and goodnessof fit. It was possible to verify that most of the victims and criminalsbelong to the group age comprised between 15 and 29 years old besidesbelonging to the male gender. Regarding the authors, 62.58 % of themaged between 15 and 29 years old with the male gender being the mostfrequent, also highlighting the fact that the majority of the aggressorsalready had police registry. Over the studied period the highest rates ofdeath by homicide were observed during the years of 1996 and 2001 withabout 12 deaths by each 100 thousand inhabitants. The firearm was theinstrument of larger use among the authors. The number of cases wasshown to be more frequent during the weekends and the nighttime wasthe most violent period, that is, with the highest number of homicides.Salgado Filho neighborhood has presented the highest number ofhomicides as well as the greatest number of resident criminals followedby Nova Santa Marta. Taking in to account that the results found indicatea predominance of criminals and homicides in certain areas the collecteddata are expected to contribute for the establishment of preventive publicsecurity policies in the most vulnerable areas.




How to Cite

Secretti, T., & Jacobi, L. F. (2009). Mortalidades por Causas Violentas: Uma Análise dos Homicídios em Santa Maria, RS. Ciência E Natura, 31(2), 25–34.

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