An Implementation of the Eigenvalue Localization Algorithm for Threshold Graphs in Python




Threshold graph, Diagonalize algorithm, Implementation, Python


A threshold graph of order n may be characterized by a binary sequence (b1, b2, … , bn). We shall present the particulars of the algorithm known as Diagonalize, which provides the location of the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of a threshold graph, relying solely on its geometry, without the need for direct manipulations with the matrix itself. We shall observe that the binary characterization is a facilitative tool for a linear implementation of this algorithm in Python.


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Author Biographies

Andressa de Oliveira Eckhardt, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Master's student in Mathematics at the University of São Paulo.

João Roberto Lazzarin, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Department of Mathematics, professor and researcher 

Fernando Colman Tura, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Department of Mathematics, professor and researcher


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How to Cite

Eckhardt, A. de O., Lazzarin, J. R., & Tura, F. C. (2025). An Implementation of the Eigenvalue Localization Algorithm for Threshold Graphs in Python. Ciência E Natura, 47(esp. 1).

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