Q-borderenergetic threshold graphs





signless laplacian energy, threshold graph


A graph G is said to be borderenergetic (L-borderenergetic, respectively) if its energy (Laplacian energy, respectively) equals the energy (Laplacian energy, respectively) of the complete graph. Recently, this concept was extend to signless Laplacian energy (see Tao, Q., Hou, Y. (2018). Q-borderenergetic graphs. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics). A graph G is called Q-borderenergetic if its signless Laplacian energy is the same of the complete graph Kn; i.e., QE(G) = QE(Kn) = 2n - 2: In this paper, we investigate Q-borderenergetic graphs on the class of threshold graphs. For a family of threshold graphs of order n <= 100; we find out exactly 13 graphs such that QE(G) = 2n- 2:


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How to Cite

Lazzarin, J. R., Marquez Sosa, O. F., & Tura, F. C. (2020). Q-borderenergetic threshold graphs. Ciência E Natura, 42, e91. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X39755