Utilization of agate powder residue for manufacturing ecological bricks
Ecological bricks, Sustainability, Agate, WasteAbstract
In recent years, it has become increasingly important to search for alternatives for the development of new materials with sustainable characteristics. This is due to the fact that the environmental problems faced by the whole world have become increasingly worrying due to their serious short and long term impacts. In view of this, the use of materials from reuse and the disposal of polluting waste shows itself as an excellent alternative for the development of new products. Considering the mineral sector as a major generator of solid waste, this study proposed the reuse of agate powder, a residue from the extraction and processing process of agate stone, for the manufacture of ecological bricks. Mechanical compression tests were performed on bricks with 7, 14, 21 and 28 days, thus obtaining a mechanical strength profile. The results obtained were compared with those proposed by NBR 8491 (2012), which proved very promising, being above the values proposed by the standard in all cases.
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