Low-level jet and turbulence production: a case study for the Pantanal
Pantanal, Nocturnal boundary layer, Low-level JetAbstract
The aim of this research was to evaluate the temporal evolution of the turbulent kinetic energy over the effect of Low Level Jets in the Pantanal Night Boundary Layer through the sensible heat flux and momentum flux. The methodology employed was a case study for the night between September 19th and 20th, 1999, during the dry season in the region. This night is rich in diverse phenomena with two LLJ events, a gravity wave, a convective instability and burning in the region. The sensible heat and momentum fluxes, friction velocity and turbulent kinetic energy were calculated using 5 minute moving. We observed that in the early evening, with higher turbulent activity the effects on the fluxes, turbulent kinetic energy and friction velocity are more pronounced. As turbulence suppression increases the upside-down wind shear promoted by the Jet has negligible impact at the surface. In conclusion, the effect of the Jet will be depending on its relationship with suppression of turbulent activity promoted by the stable layer.
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