The influence of topography on turbulent runoff between the central Amazon forest and the atmosphere
Topography, Organization of turbulence, PALM simulation, Amazon forestAbstract
In this work, an investigation of the influence of topography on the structure of the turbulence of the Amazon rainforest is carried out. To better understand how topography acts in the organization of turbulence, in turbulence fluxes of energy and mass, inside and above the forest canopy, the Parallelized Large-Eddy Simulation Model (PALM) was used. The model's input dataset comes from the ATTO site (Amazon Tall Tower Observatory) between October and November 2015. From these measurements, from different heights, two simulation were performed for the daytime period: with topography and without topografy. In both simulation, the U/Uh profile shows that the wind becomes weaker as it bumps into the forest canopy, leading to an inflection point in the wind profiles. In addition, the simulation with topography induced ascending and descending movements, which affected the concentration of the passive scalar. Finally, the topography impacted the turbulence intensity.
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