Analysis of Environmental Education in the curricular matrices of undergraduate courses of public universities in the state of Rio Grande do Norte
Education, Higher Education, Vocational Training, EnvironmentAbstract
The objective of this work is to analyze the approach of Environmental Education - EA in the curricular matrices of undergraduate courses of public universities in the state of Rio Grande do Norte - RN, also ascertaining how this approach has been inserted in the disciplines, considering that in higher education professionals are trained who work in society, with little or great impact on the environment. A bibliographic and documentary research was carried out on the websites of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte, Federal University of semiarid and Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte to identify undergraduate courses and disciplines that have an approach in AE through the reading of curricular matrices. The research carried out on the websites of the three public universities of the state of RN demonstrated the lack of the approach in AE in curricular matrices, especially in undergraduate courses and technologists. Therefore, the insertion of AS in curricular matrices lies mainly in the inter, multi and transdisciplinarity of teachers from different disciplines.
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- 2022-04-05 (2)
- 2021-10-09 (1)
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