Solid discharge in a microbasin of the Amazon region
Sediment transpor, silting, forecast.Abstract
The processes of water erosion and sedimentation occur naturally, however, they are being accelerated by human activities. Many microbasins lack information regarding the water resource, land use and occupation, as is the case of the Caiabi River microbasin, in which sediment production is potentiated by agricultural practices. The objectives of this study were to evaluate sediment transport in the Caiabi River and establish a rating curve for solid discharge from data obtained between 2018 and 2020, involving measurements of suspended sediment concentration, bed-load sediments and flow.The suspended and total solid discharges were established as a function of the flow rate through power, exponential, polynomial and linear equations, which parameters were adjusted by the method of least squares. The statistical evaluation of the rating curves indicated that the total solid discharge estimated from associations between suspended and bed-load sediments is the one that best represents the transport of sediments in the Caiabi River while the exponential model offers the best fit to the observed data.
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