Estimation and regionalization of minimum reference streamflows in the Branco River basin, Roraima, Brazil, as a support for water resources management
Use granting, Water availability, Water seasonality, Minimum reference streamflowsAbstract
The effective application of water use granting requires knowing the water supply in the basin to allow the management body to match the demands of different users with water availability. Thus, determining the minimum reference streamflows and their regionalization is essential for defining the grantable limits. This study aimed to estimate and regionalize the minimum reference streamflows Q7,10, Q95, and Q90, with an annual and semiannual frequency, for the Branco River basin, Roraima, Brazil. The following procedures stood out among those carried out: the survey of historical series of existing streamflow data for the basin within the scope of the National Hydrometeorological Network; definition of the hydrological year and seasonal periods; estimation and regionalization of the minimum reference streamflows with an annual and semiannual frequency; and assessment of the impact of seasonality on granting the concession for water resources management in the Branco River basin. The minimum reference streamflows were estimated for thirteen streamflow gauge stations and two homogeneous regions were defined. Significant increases in the minimum reference streamflows were observed when considering the rainy period compared to the annual period. The adoption of the annual streamflow permanence Q95 and Q90 at the Caracaraí streamflow gauge station on the Branco River replacing Q7,10 allowed an increase of 75.1% and 123.3%, respectively, in the streamflow that can be granted. The analysis of results showed that the flexibility of the granting criteria in adopting the seasonality in the water availability allows considerable increases in the grantable streamflow of the Branco River basin in the flood semester.
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