Using the inflection point height in the wind profile to obtain dimensionless profiles above the amazon forest




Dimensionless Profiles, Inflection point height of the vertical wind profile, Turbulence, Amazon Rainforest


The most turbulent vortices that populate the forest-atmosphere interface have canopy height length scales. These vortices are mainly responsible for turbulent exchanges between inside and above canopy region. Thus, we used the vertical wind profiles obtained by 10 anemometers installed inside and above the forest canopy of the Rebio-Jarú experimental site, in the Amazon Rainforest. A third degree polynomial function was developed to better fit the wind profile and therefore estimate the inflection point height of the vertical wind profile (zi) a length scale associated with wind shear (Ls), and the wind speed at height zi. These length and velocity scales were used to obtain better fits for the dimensional wind profiles and turbulence statistical moments. Three dimensionless profile models were compared using friction velocity, wind velocity in zi and wind velocity at canopy height. It was observed that the dimensionless profiles using the velocity and shear calculated at zi provided support for the elaboration of more realistic parameterization of the turbulent exchange processes that occur both at the forest-atmosphere interface and inside the canopy.


Author Biographies

Di Angelo Matos Pinheiro, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas na Amazônia, Manaus, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Boca do Acre, AM

Mestre em Ensino de Física pelo IFAM/UFAM em 2016, Doutorando no Programa de Pós-graduação Clima e Ambiente ofertado pela INPA/UEA

Cléo Quaresma Dias-Júnior, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará, Belém, PA

Doutor em Clima e Ambiente pelo INPA/UEA, em 2015

Leonardo Deane de Abreu Sá, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos, SP

Doutor em Física da Atmosfera - Universidade Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III), França, em (1992)

Antonio Ocimar Manzi, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos, SP

Doutor em Física da Atmosfera pela Universidade Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III), França, em 1993


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, D. A. M., Dias-Júnior, C. Q., Sá, L. D. de A., & Manzi, A. O. (2020). Using the inflection point height in the wind profile to obtain dimensionless profiles above the amazon forest. Ciência E Natura, 42, e24.

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