Avaliação das Características dos Regimes Diurnos de Umidade em Áreas de Floresta e Savana Tropicais


  • Ludmila Monteiro da Silva
  • Leonardo Deane de Abreu Sá
  • Maria Aurora Santos da Mota


This study aims to investigate a method to classify humidityregimes based on different “states” characterization of the TropicalAtmospheric Boundary Layer (TABL), above forest and savanna areas,according with Mahrt (1991) methodology. In these analyses, radiosondeand tower day-time data obtained during field experiments have beenused. For the forest (Caxiuanã, Pará state), “COBRA-PARÁ” experimentdata were used (spanning the period from 06 to 13/11 of 2006), while forthe savanna (Daly Waters), “KOORIN” experiment data were used(spanning the period from 15/07 to 13/08 of 1974, in Australia). Theresults obtained for the two experimental sites show important humidityregime differences among the sites.


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How to Cite

da Silva, L. M., Sá, L. D. de A., & da Mota, M. A. S. (2009). Avaliação das Características dos Regimes Diurnos de Umidade em Áreas de Floresta e Savana Tropicais. Ciência E Natura, 85–88. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufsm.br/cienciaenatura/article/view/9523

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