Turbulent velocity and temperature probability density functions in the Amazonian surface boudary layer
We present a statistical model for the distribution of increments of wind velocity and temperature of turbulence data measured in the atmospheric surface layer above the Amazonian forest, on a micrometeorological tower in Rebio-Jaru Reserve (10°04' S; 61°56' W) during LBA (Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) wet season campaign. The data were measured using 3D Campbell sonic anemometer and a Campbell fast response thermometer located at a height of 66 m (the forest canopy has a mean height of 35 m; but some of the higher tree branches may reach the height of 45 m), at a sampling rate of 60 Hz. The goal of this investigation is to detect noextensivity properties of the turbulent field in such a peculiar environment. To do this we calculate the probability density function (PDF) for wind velocity increments Vr(x) = V(x) - V(x+r) (and temperature increments) at different length scales r. The preliminary results show some evidence that the nonextensive thermostatistics modelling proposed by Tsallis (1988) provides a new and simple framework for explaining the statistical behavior of fully developed mechanical turbulence. We also investigate the relationship between intermittency and nonextensivity using a single parameter q, from Tsallis thermostatistics. The results of the wind velocity turbulent signals measured at the level of 66m show a very good agreement with the Tsallis model but the temperature signals show some discrepancy with respect to the proposed model. Physical discussions are proposed to explain our results.Downloads
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