Project-based Learning in engineering: a practical experience of ludic learning in real environment
Interdisciplinarity, Projects, Teaching methodologyAbstract
The demands and challenges currently presented by the labour market in the engineering and architecture areas require future professionals to have a more practical and critical training in order to facilitate problem solving. Thus, it is evident that the traditional methodologies used in these courses need to be modified to enable adequate training beyond theoretical knowledge in the area, such as oral communication, teamwork and group leadership, among others. Project Based Learning (PBL) teaching provides interdisciplinary experiences for students with the aim of strengthening these attitudes, involving students with decision-making projects similar to those experienced in professional life. The objective of this work is to show the experiences of the students of the Federal University of Santa Maria - Campus Cachoeira do Sul in the application of this innovative teaching methodology. As main results, the students developed academic tasks related to real case studies in the scientific-technical area, with the presentation of their work to specialists, report delivery and prototype development. The application of the methodology became satisfactory and motivating, since it stimulated teamwork, integration of engineering and architecture areas, exchange of experiences between students and teachers and integration with the community.
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