Control techniques for induction motors review




Induction Motor, Vector Control, DFOC, IFOC


This work presents a study about the main techniques for induction motors drive. Firstly, it is presented a brief history about the
development of control techniques, highlighting their difficulties and advances. After, it focuses on the operation of scalar control
and field-oriented (direct and indirect) control techniques, pointing out the main advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as
the work developed in each area.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Stefanello Uliana, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, Brasil

Celso Becker Tischer, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, Brasil


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How to Cite

Uliana, L. S., Gastaldini, C. C., & Tischer, C. B. (2020). Control techniques for induction motors review. Ciência E Natura, 42, e18.

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