Contribuições das geociências à prática de educação ambiental em escola da área rural em Alegrete, RS
The present work describes the physical aspects (geology, geomorphology and other) and of the erosive processes, based on direct observation in the field and in the topographical maps of the area localized in the west of Rio Grande do Sul state, more specifically of the municipal districtis of São Francisco of Assis, Manoel Viana and Alegrete.In consequence of erosion problms, ciliary deforestation and sediments accumulation of drainages, a climate map was elaborated, that associated to the characteristics lithological and of vegetation and other, it allowed to determine adult's areas or smaller fragility to the erosive processes.
These data together with the one of relief, drainage vegetation, as well as of use and occupation of the soil, they were plotted in an area maquette. Parallel to the physical observation of the area, they were applied questionnaires to the school community, to collect information to projects of environmental education and, to the local residents in order to diagnose the profile economical partner and main problems, as well as planting techniques, conservation of thesoil, production and use of chemical products, among others.
As final stage and principal aim of the work, lectures were supplied at the schools (one of each municipal district). The principal kinds of environmental degradation and possible solutions were approached, giving emphasis to the local problem.
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