Water resources. Public policy. Public management.Abstract
Although the planet is covered by 70% water, poor distribution of this mineral causes some areas of the globe suffer from its lack. Even Brazil being privileged with 13% of freshwater around the planet, it was necessary the creation and implementation of laws for its preservation. This article aims to present the history of Brazilian legislation related to Water Management, since its inception to the current period. According to the bibliography, it is clear that concern for water resources in Brazil was initially for navigation and agriculture. From the year 1934, the Water Code went on to encourage the industrial use of water resources, defining water as a public good, common or private use. Only with the implementation of Law 9,433 / 1997, called the National Water Resources Policy (PNRH) is what happened to give more importance to sustainable water management, with satisfactory quality standards for the various types of use. In 2000 it was created the National Water Agency (Law 9984), which has as main features the disciplinary implementation, operation, control and evaluation of management instruments created by PNRH.Downloads
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