Solid health residues. Management. Legislation.Abstract
The increasing awareness about the risks on public health and environment, caused by solid residues generated by health service, is mainly due to its infectious fractions. In Brazil, there's thousand health units producing these residues and, in most cities, the handling issue and final arrangement are not yet resolved. The Irmandade da Santa Casa of São Gabriel, RS, acknowledging its responsability as generator of health residues sought to adjust to the legislation and minimize the impacts caused on the environment and others afected by its activities. Thus, the present study sought to, through exploratory research, analyze the conditions of the management of solid wastes on health services which are produced by Irmandade da Santa Casa in order to verify the compliance with the existing legal standards. The present study used the resolution of the executive board ( DC ) 306/2004 of the National Health Surveillance Agency ( ANVISA ), the Resolution 358/2005 of the National Environment Council ( CONAMA ) , and 2010 12.305 law which establishes the national policy on solid waste to evaluate and compare the reality of the institution. Through research it was possible to identify strengths and weaknesses on the management of waste as well as some necessary adjustments based on the current legislation.Downloads
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