concentração de grau Brix, fermentação, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cana-de-açúcar, biomassa.Abstract
Brazil is considered privileged for its diversity of biomass, and sugarcane, has contributed to increased production of ethanol in the regional and national scene. This study aimed to analyze the morphological, physiological aspects of industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its fermentation characteristics in different concentrations of degrees Brix. We used the medium YPD 2% for the morphological characterization for 72 hours of cultivation, the fermentation wort evaluation was used in different degrees Brix concentrations for 24 hours fermentation. The fermentation characteristics of yeast were grown in YPSAC 5% and biomass was inoculated in different Brix concentrations for 8 hours fermentation. As yeast showed similar morphological aspect and indicative of the fermentative capacity in different concentrations of sugars. At concentrations of 12 and 15 Brix, industrial yeast strains showed good fermentation performance, however, at higher concentrations, there were variations in these parameters. Studies to evaluate the different physiological mechanisms for the production of ethanol by yeast strains in different degrees Brix concentrations can be an important tool to leverage and the expansion of the sugarcane industry.
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