Livro didático, Perspectivas de aprendizagem, Produção de textoAbstract
This work aims to analyze a Unit of Didactic Book (LD) of Portuguese Language of the 9th Year, in order to identify which learning perspectives are linguistically marked in the textual production proposal of the unit. We use three perspectives of learning: behaviorism (SKINNER, 1974; STAATS, 1980), cognitivism (Piaget, 1974, Chomsky, 2009), sociocultural (VYGOTSKY, 2001). We return to the key concepts of these theories in order to allow the analysis of the corpus. The analysis material was selected based on the National Program of Didactic Book (PNLD), the LD of this analysis being one of the most widely circulated books in our schools, especially in the authors' work region. The analysis procedures involved: the selection of sections with explicit orientations for classroom work, among which, we focused the focus to the text production section; and the search for linguistic terms that suggest or prove the manifestation of a certain linguistic perspective. The analysis of the corpus indicated that the authors of the LD construct didactic activities based on the cognitivist and sociocultural perspectives.Downloads
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