constitucinalismo brasileiro, filosofia crítica, história do direitoAbstract
In this paper, it is critically analyzed the possible relationship between the political and constitutional experiences of Brazil and the expectation that opens from there, limiting – as well making possible – the expectation horizon of the future of Brazilian constitutionalism. Therefore, it is worked with Reinhart Koselleck’s theory of history on characterization of the perception of historical time in the modern age, according to the meta-historical categories of space of experience and horizon of expectation, and with Paul Ricœur concerns about the challenges of historical hermeneutics, as a mediation consists of crossed perspectives between the expectation of the future, past reception and the experience of present. In summary, it is argued that the future of Brazilian constitutionalism must assume a tension relationship with its past, in mediating body where is the Constitution of 1988, which opens toward both the past and the future, the project the establishment of a democratic Rule of Law in Brazil.
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