
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

    We inform that the Electronic Journal of the Law Course of UFSM does not receive articles in the months of December, January and February of each year. NEW SUBMISSIONS are processed only from March 1st onwards.

    ARTICLES BY FOREIGN AUTHORS and/or COAUTORS MAY BE SUBMITTED IN ANY MONTH OF THE YEAR. In this case, we request that, after inclusion in the system, an email is sent to with the title and country of link of the foreign author/co-author.


    We ask those interested in publishing in RECDUFSM to read fully and very carefully all the conditions of submission. There are extremely important issues that must be followed before completing submission and that must be checked by the authors UNDER PENALTY OF SUMMARY EXCLUSION of the article from our evaluation process.

    Check carefully if the article effectively meets all the items below. Otherwise, we ask that you review the points not met before concluding. In case of questions, contacts can be made by email at

  • The article is written with a maximum of three authors, at least one of them holding a doctoral degree.

    The AUTHOR WITH a DOCTORATE degree will be the lead author. If all authors have a Ph.D., the order of presentation will follow the alphabetical order.


  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not under consideration for publication by another journal.

    The Journal publishes ONLY unpublished articles. Articles already published or submitted to another journal will not be considered.

    We submit all files to anti-plagiarism software to detect whether the article has already been published in full or in part in another journal or event proceedings. Articles that have been made available in any electronic medium are also not considered unpublished. Therefore, we recommend that authors do not submit articles that are available in institutional databases of course completion papers, event proceedings, academic social networks etc.

  • The names and data of all authors were entered into the journal's system.

    We DO NOT ACCEPT THE POSTERIORI INCLUSION of authors who were not mentioned in the initial submission of the article. If you have any questions, please contact the journal.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format, WITHOUT identification of the authors in the body text and/or file properties.

    This information should be only in the registration of the authors in the Journal system.

  • The submitted file uses the formatting template for articles and reviews available for download in the top menu of the Journal's website (GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS). All submitted articles that do not use the template will be rejected.

    The article must come with all formatting, including headers and footers, as shown in the template. The guidelines for citations, references, and preparation of the abstract and introduction must also be observed.


  • The text follows ALL the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines, available in About the Journal.
  • All recomendations from "ensuring blind peer review" were followed.

    The file must not contain any identifying information about the authors (check the Word document properties).

  • There was full completion of the metadata requested on the online article submission (SEER) homepage: link to the Lattes resume in the URL field; link to ORCID registration (mandatory); summary of biography (undergraduate, master's, doctorate); and affiliation (current institution of affiliation).
  • The minimum elements for an abstract (problem, objectives, methodology, conclusions of the article), according to the Guidelines for Authors, were observed. The guidelines with more details are in:
  • DEADLINES ADOPTED BY THE JOURNAL (during the deadline described below we ask authors to avoid contacting us demanding information).

    I AM AWARE OF THE DEADLINES and PROCEDURES adopted by the journal in receiving and forwarding articles for evaluation, in particular:

    • the average deadline for desk review of submitted articles is UP TO 12 months.

    Articles that meet the criteria required by the journal and described in the guidelines for authors, after the above deadline, will be forwarded to two ad hoc reviewers.

THE DEADLINES INFORMED ABOVE REFER TO THE MAXIMUM TIME FOR EACH PHASE. Normally we are able to forward the articles and return to the authors in less time, but our commitment is to observe the time limit of 12 months at each stage, which is why we request the agreement of those interested in submitting. Only when the above deadlines have been exceeded will we respond to e-mails inquiring about the progress of the evaluation.

Phase 1: desk review - DEADLINE: up to 12 months after submission. Phase 2: peer review - DEADLINE: up to 12 months after submission.

Author Guidelines

General guidelines on registration in the Journal:

The works should be sent only through the Electronic System of Publishing of journals (SEER)-

If you are not registered, click on the link and register.

Write down and save your login and password in a safe place as the Journal does not issue new passwords or reminders.

At the bottom of the registration page, there is the Register as option. In this item, you must select Author.

Then click the Register button. All authors must be registered on the Journal page and no fees will be charged for the submission of articles.

Guidelines on the Editorial Policy of the Journal:

In the Electronic Journal of the Law Course of FUSM can be published articles written by experts from other areas, provided that the topic is of interest to the area of Law.

Articles for publication should be sent exclusively to the Eletronic Journal of  the Law course of FUSM, not being allowed the simultaneous presentation to another periodical, in whole or in part.

The Journal does not charge any value for the submission or publication of articles.

The manuscripts can be sent in the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian, French.

The article will be submitted to the Editorial Council, to verify compliance with the journal's editorial policy and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Upon approval of this first evaluation stage, the article will be forwarded, without identification, in a double blind system, to at least two external evaluators. In the event of an evaluation discrepancy, it will be sent to a third. The names of the evaluators and authors will be kept confidential at all stages of the evaluation process.

The Journal will contact the main author of the text to communicate the result of the evaluation: approved or rejected for publication.

The notification shall be accompanied by a copy of the contents of the opinions.

Forwarding of the manuscript, attachments and completion of all data are the sole responsibility of the author submitting the manuscript.

Also the author's sole responsibility is the opinions and concepts emitted in the manuscripts, as well as the accuracy and appropriateness of the citations, not necessarily reflecting the position / opinion of the Board of Directors and Editorial Board of the Journal.

The Journal does not assume responsibility for linguistic misconceptions, therefore, it gives the right to ask the authors to carry out a grammatical revision of the texts for publication.

The authors of the works submitted for evaluation should indicate their agreement with the "Copyright Statement" of CREATIVE COMMONS, which appears in Step 1 of the Submission. By clicking the CREATE COMMONS icon (This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License) will open a page that contains (in several languages, including Portuguese) the conditions of the assignment, non-commercial use, the creation of derivative works is prohibited.

Artigos científicos

Política padrão de seção

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.