Inhabiting the school in Visual Arts Teaching: Reflections from memory
Visual Arts, Teaching, School, Experiences, InhabitingAbstract
The research addresses the concepts and contexts of inhabiting the school in Visual Arts Teaching, through pedagogical practices in the school setting. The author, based on (auto)biographical narratives, explores experiences she had during the Compulsory Undergraduate Curricular Internships and participation in the Pedagogical Residency Program, which took place between 2022 and 2024 at the Padre Nóbrega Elementary School, in the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. The central problem revolves around the possibility of the Arts discipline inhabiting the school. The main objective of the work is to problematize the lack of space for the Visual Arts at school, recalling the various ways in which these spaces have been occupied and promoting critical reflection. The research uses records from the author's Visual Diary, as well as photographs taken during this period. Authors such as Loponte and Mossi contributed to the discussion on inhabiting the school, while Tedesco brought relevant insights by considering memory as a methodological trigger. The conclusion is that the insecurities faced in everyday school life and during the research are part of personal and professional growth. Reflecting on past experiences provided a more serene understanding of previous frustrations. Although challenges persist, it is essential to approach them calmly and look for alternative solutions, without ceasing to advocate change.
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