From remote teaching during the covid-19 pandemic to the in-person return to classes: challenges of teaching in professional and technological education and the effects on learning
Remote teaching, Covid-19, Professional and technological educationAbstract
This article was based on observations carried out at the Santo Antônio de Pádua Campus of the Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFFLUMINENSE) since the beginning of remote teaching, in 2020, until the in-person return to classes in 2022. The initial assumption is that this pedagogical process of remote teaching and also related to the in-person return has been permeated by challenges. The aim is to identify some of these challenges for teaching planning and student learning. The data collection instruments were bibliographical and documentary research and the application of a quantitative and qualitative questionnaire to teachers. The results suggest that many of the teachers have faced challenges in their pedagogical practice, some of them being accessibility to technology resources, institutional incentives, adaptation of study resources and materials, as well as the methodology for assessment activities. It was also noticed that the return to in-person teaching had challenges, including managing to carry out all the planning planned for the class, due to the fact that students were unable to follow the content, suggesting that the time spent teaching remotely affected the student’s learning, especially given that it is a professional and technological education school. The relevance of continuing the research already produced on the topic in question is highlighted, as well as new studies aimed at contributing to the educational process.
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