Curriculum Production in Early Childhood Education post-BNCC: Possible Negotiations? The Curriculum Reform Movement in Education Departments of Baixada Fluminense.
: Curriculum; Childhood; Curricular PolicyAbstract
This study stems from research that aimed to analyze possible negotiations/articulations in Municipal Education Departments of Baixada Fluminense following the advent of the National Common Core Curriculum (BNCC), problematizing how curricular production for early childhood occurs in different municipal networks. The research focused on Baixada Fluminense: four Education Departments of municipalities located in the northern region of the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro. The question is raised: possible negotiations? How will curricular production for early childhood be thought/articulated within this political movement? In dialogue with the studies of Homi Bhabha (2013), the curriculum is discussed as a process of cultural enunciation. It is understood that curricular production for early childhood is a field of disputes/slippages concerning the meanings of curriculum, childhood, knowledge, and teaching, in the tension between local demands and propositions around a universalized common. Inferred from the analyses is that all curricular production is a conflicting and contingent process, a discursive process in a political game that is intended to be unfinished, therefore, in the (im)possibility of such policies projecting a single sense of childhood. It is argued that curricular productions for early childhood should be conceived in alterity, as an experience with and in difference.
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